United Golden Eagles Safety Policy

At United Golden Eagles, the safety and well-being of our employees, customers, and partners is our top priority. We are committed to creating and maintaining a safe work environment for everyone involved in our business, from laboratory and warehouse operations to field surveying and equipment deployment.

Warehouse Safety:

Our warehouses are organized and well-lit. Proper lifting techniques and equipment should be used when handling heavy objects. Forklifts and other machinery must be operated by trained personnel only.

Field Safety:

Field work in surveying and equipment deployment can expose employees to a variety of hazards such as uneven terrain, weather conditions, and electrical lines. Appropriate PPE, including sturdy footwear, reflective clothing, and insect repellent, must be worn.

Equipment Safety:

All equipment must be regularly inspected and maintained to ensure it is in good working condition. Only trained personnel should operate equipment, and all safety protocols must be followed.

Emergency Preparedness:

We have emergency plans in place for various scenarios such as fires, chemical spills, and medical emergencies. All employees are trained on these plans and evacuation procedures.